Friday, September 9, 2011

Brenna's 3rd Day Of School-September 9, 2011

Yay! It's Friday, we made it through the week!  I didn't get much sleep last night due to this head cold I have.  I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. I just laid in bed tossing and turning then "Said the heck with this" and got up around 5:00, watched some TV and started making breakfast.  I made scrambled eggs and fried SPAM on toast for Sandy and I, and left some scrambled eggs for Brenna.  Then Sandy wakes her up and she says to him "I told Mommy I wanted pancakes yesterday, not eggies"! So, I had to make her pancakes. Thank God their the frozen ones from Wal-Mart that only take 70 seconds in the microwave or I would've made her eat the eggs.  I highly recommend these to all Moms though, they are quick and delicious and come in all kinds of flavors. They have Buttermilk, Plain, Blueberry etc...  Brenna loves them.  She was still really sleepy when Sandy got her up, she couldn't stay awake to eat and I had to keep waking her up to take a bite.  She too, has been sniffly and coughing so she didn't sleep well either.  We usually watch Transformers, Jem and then the new My Little Pony on the HUB.  I have a system, she gets more woken up as she watches Transformers, then eats during Jem and if she isn't getting dressed and brushing her teeth once My Little Pony is on I know we have to step on it, cause were running behind.  I took lots of pictures and we headed off to School, the ride there is pretty quiet cause usually Brenna falls back to sleep within minutes but, the closer we get she wakes up and starts talking about things around us. This morning she pointed out the car dealership that used to be on the corner before her school is now a place that cuts Dog's hair! LOL!  She said "Mommy we have to take Bishop there to get his hair cut".

She had a good day, she wrote her name and got to pick something from the treasure chest.  Ms. Jodie is really taking an extra effort with her this year and I am so grateful.  Brenna started pre-school later than the rest of the kids in her class and she's behind, so our goal is to hopefully help her to catch up to the other kids.  The other Kindergartners are already writing in their journals so we have a lot of work to do.  Brenna also got invited to a birthday party for Gianna on September 18th at Pump it Up.  She can't wait, she loves playing with all the kids from her class.  Tonight she will be staying the night with Kaylene and Jamie she loves going there and always tells us how much fun she has. 

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